Scarlet Skies is waiting for her operation in the hospital. To undergo the surgery, she needs to be put under anaesthesia for a longer period. She is feeling a bit nervous but her nurse, Kelly Collins reassures her that it's going to be alright. Only if she knew how wrong she was...
When Scarlet wakes up, she finds herself in a nightmarish setting. The lights are out and nobody ... Read More
Scarlet Skies is waiting for her operation in the hospital. To undergo the surgery, she needs to be put under anaesthesia for a longer period. She is feeling a bit nervous but her nurse, Kelly Collins reassures her that it’s going to be alright. Only if she knew how wrong she was…
When Scarlet wakes up, she finds herself in a nightmarish setting. The lights are out and nobody is around. She gets up to look around but can’t find anybody. Suddenly Kelly runs to her and explains that there is a parasite outbreak and they have to hide and try to get out. However, Catherine has already been infected and she is on the way to pass on the parasites to both of the girls…
May 21, 2024 at 7:34 am (10 months ago)Really loved this one, I hope the hospital setting can be used again.